On this week’s The iPhone 5 episode of The (New) Talk Show, John Gruber mentioned that Apple is perfectly happy to leave battery pack accessories up to third-party vendors. He’s right, of course, but what stuck with me is that they’re STILL leaving a vast number of important peripherals up to third-party folks. Back in… Continue reading Apple’s lack of accessory diversity
Tag: iPhone car charger
More difficulties
I’m still struggling with iPhone car charger stuff, but I thought I’d post an update since my first whinings on the subject. Just an FYI that the continuation of the saga is in the comments section of that first post, since that’s where all the relevant info lies. Thanks again to you helpers!
Technical Difficulties
I’ve been attempting to purchase a vehicle charger for my iPhone ever since I first got it, and so far, no luck. I’ve bought and promptly returned three different models (two Griffins from an AT&T and an InCase model from an Apple store), and ALL of them cause screechingly terrible interference with my car stereo.… Continue reading Technical Difficulties