We all know that many big tech figures hate email. Merlin, Dan, and Marco have all been pretty vocal about this, and I totally get it they’re media figures in a way I’m not so they get flooded in a way I don’t. But I still maintain that email is the best medium for oh… Continue reading More defense of email
Tag: Facebook
Facebook Graph Search, grr
Facebook Graph Search is kinda dumb, still. When I search for “My friends who live in New York, New York,” I get a pretty clear list with an obvious end point. When I change that search to “My friends who live near New York, New York,” the list remains identical. When I change THAT to… Continue reading Facebook Graph Search, grr
Yahoo pipes = rad, but HARD!
When I had Grant help design/redesign/build this vr.com site, I wasn’t totally clear what I wanted. Basically, I knew I needed a portal for my occasional blog posts that didn’t fall under heliotro.pe, framboi.se or loveb.ug, but beyond that I also wanted it to serve as a sort of “all about Virginia” portal that easily… Continue reading Yahoo pipes = rad, but HARD!
Daisy saves the day!
Here’s hoping this Facebook email thread needs no real intro: —–Original Message to Facebook—– From: Virginia Culler To: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: PRIVACY-BUGS: “Wallster” app — spam/worm User id: xxxxxxxxx Description of problem: I received a message from an alleged Facebook app called “Wallmaster”, informing me that a picture from my profile had been used on xxxxxxx.com.… Continue reading Daisy saves the day!