I finally purchased a 13″ retina MacBook Pro for my birthday/business/a desperately needed upgrade. I’m mostly happy to be back to Mac for the first time since I was a teenager, but I’m still struggling with more than a few aspects of this transition. I’ve become a bit of an Apple nerd without a Mac… Continue reading Back to Mac after fifteen years
Tag: Apple
Form over function
I’m kinda broken. I have super bad tennis elbow, which I’ll expand upon soon, but needless to say my medical needs hamper my ability to comfortably use and enjoy technology. I don’t just like using a split keyboard, I NEED to use one. I have this special terrifying mouse that’s so guest-unfriendly, I make a… Continue reading Form over function
Blog design identity crisis
Recently I signed up for Amazon affiliate links and Google AdSense, for no apparent reason. And in doing so, I had to define my blog’s main category/subject matter. Um. Help. I’m a gal who inherently wears too many hats, and I started like seven different blogs (see sidebar) to avoid this very type of boxing-in.… Continue reading Blog design identity crisis
Siri, sync my sh*t.
I was a relatively early adopter of the Cult of iPhone. Grant bought me a first-gen model a few months after it was released, and I’ve been an addict ever since. (I’m sure there are some fantastic other smartphones out there, but my 1st gen, 3GS and now 4S have never made me want to… Continue reading Siri, sync my sh*t.
Word Salad
I recently got a copy of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, so I could type by dictation. (This decision arose partly from recurring tennis elbow that makes typing painful, and partly from my frustratingly long commutes from Redmond.) I thought I could dictate the text of the book I’m working on for my online dating consultation company while… Continue reading Word Salad
Will automatic Desktop Shortcuts EVER die?
It just so happened that I needed to update both my iTunes and my Adobe Reader this weekend. I tend to be pretty lazy with these kinds of updates, so I just click YES and GO and MAKE IT HAPPEN as quickly as I can. And when all was said and done and downloaded and… Continue reading Will automatic Desktop Shortcuts EVER die?
Hold with Music
Turns out Apple’s call center has the best hold music I’ve ever heard to date. I suppose the pioneers of modern music media wouldn’t settle for anything less… but I might start calling on during busy times just to rock out. On that note, I’m reminded of the time when the divorce firm I worked… Continue reading Hold with Music
Yet another reason Apple is awesome
Grant’s video iPod recently suffered a broken headphone jack, but he was eight full months out of warranty coverage. Still, he took it to the Apple store to see what could be done, and they gave him a new one on the spot. Their reasoning? “It looks fresh out of the box [because you’ve always… Continue reading Yet another reason Apple is awesome
Swnt elom m iphon
So I don’t mean to be one of those people. Really, I don’t. I’m just in love with the fact that I finally have a gadget that’s gloat-worthy. But the last thing I want to be is one of those iPhone snobs, ya know? (Too late, I know.) So one of the first things I… Continue reading Swnt elom m iphon
Technical Difficulties
I’ve been attempting to purchase a vehicle charger for my iPhone ever since I first got it, and so far, no luck. I’ve bought and promptly returned three different models (two Griffins from an AT&T and an InCase model from an Apple store), and ALL of them cause screechingly terrible interference with my car stereo.… Continue reading Technical Difficulties