Damn, you, Specialty???s

You are the bane of my waistline.?? I swear to God, that place is making me so fat! It’s counteracting all the kickboxing and yoga and pilates and jogging (okay, I don’t do nearly enough of those things, granted – but still!) Rrr.?? For the longest time I was “safe” because there was really nothing… Continue reading Damn, you, Specialty???s

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I???m dead!

Oh the tragedy – I just googled my first and last name together to make sure my resume came up as a hit, and alas, it does not – but know what comes up as the first hit??? Some lady named “Virginia _____[insert my last name] Green” died on Monday, November 14th in Lynchburg, VA.??… Continue reading I???m dead!

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There???s no place like home???

I’ll admit it, I take cute notes.?? I often write prepositions in Latin because they’re shorter than the English words; sometimes I write in French or Spanish or Catalan or even Italian or German if that’s the word that comes to me first, or if the word is much shorter in one of those languages.??… Continue reading There???s no place like home???

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???Stupid Mary??????

Okay I know I said I have to work but I have to tell you one last funny story.?? This is from last Friday or something, but it’s funny enough that it’s still worth telling.?? So, on Friday-or-whenever-it-was, I was doing the mail near the end of the day which is one of my normal… Continue reading ???Stupid Mary??????

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I???m back, I???m back!

Okay dear imaginary readers, I’m back, sorry for the absence! ??#1 I got KILLER food poisoning [1] on Tuesday and had to leave work early I felt so crappy, and #2 I was at an Excel training seminar all day yesterday.?? #1 was bad but #2 was good – I learned a lot and the… Continue reading I???m back, I???m back!

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Dear Abby: why is it sad?

So I think I have a sort of dysfunctional filter when it comes to certain matters of etiquette.?? Case in point:?? today I was just scanning msn.com and saw a thing about 10 environmentally friendly companies – and one is Seattle Biodiesel, which is all about, well, biodiesel in Seattle.?? But from the interviews with… Continue reading Dear Abby: why is it sad?

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???Boys don???t like funny girls.???

Seriously, that was a quote from the Gilmore Girls pilot episode that I watched last night.?? Damn you, roommate???s little sister and your amazing DVD collection!?? Just kidding, I???m actually really excited about it.?? So yeah, maybe that???s my problem ??? I???m too FUNNY.?? I mean, I do think guys are sometimes a bit frightened… Continue reading ???Boys don???t like funny girls.???

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