I absolutely hate major updates

And yet, here I go.

I recently decided that it’s time to move some portions of my site around such that they make more sense. Virginiaculler.com is going to be strictly professional, and I’m bringing on a new domain for my skincare/natural health stuff (which many of you Imaginary Readers may know nothing about), and I get a third domain name for free with my new hosting company.

So the blog’s going there. But I have no idea where that will be yet. So many good URL ideas are out there, and I’m torn between being practical, being overtly funny, being tongue-in-cheek funny, being fancy-shmancy and pedantic with something in Catalan or Latin (respectively, IMO), being short and concise, being long and unique, or just being boring and registering “Iabsolutelyhatethewordblog.com” or something.

If any of you imaginary readers have suggestions, I’d take ’em. And furthermore, if any of you want a paid gig helping/teaching me to implement some of the changes when I switch hosting, that would be fab, because I’m lacking in PHP skills (as prior posts have indicated). But really, more than anything, I want to hear what domain name you think I should register.

…let the imaginary comments begin. Now that they’re up and running and all.

Categorized as tech

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