Run Stop

I had a weird little flashback to childhood the other day, when I came across an odd button in the elevator at my doctor’s office. The button, instead of reading “STOP” or “Emergency”, read RUN STOP, kind of like the old Commodore 64 keyboards. I don’t think I’ve seen that command (outside of the fake… Continue reading Run Stop

Yet more iPhone tech dilemmas

This time, I’m trying to figure out how to make my new iPhone Bluetooth Headset function with Ventrilo, the chat program our guild uses during WoW raids. (Yeah — tech geek meets gamer nerd, I know. But does anyone know the answer to this?) I was told by a Best Buy employee with gamer cred… Continue reading Yet more iPhone tech dilemmas

Only at Nintendo

So in a nutshell, working at Nintendo has been lovely. According to company policy, however, I shall not be discussing anything remotely contentful relating to my work there. Thus, Imaginary Readers, I leave you with this linguistic/gamer tidbit. On the fridge in the break room, there is a sign that asks employees to take home… Continue reading Only at Nintendo

DDR + Shag Carpet = Failure no longer

So I must say, I’m pretty pleased with my latest innovation that allows Grant to enjoy his DDR like the King of Cosmos intended. Ever since we moved into our new apartment he hasn’t been able to play, because something about the ’70s shag carpeting in here just doesn’t agree with the grippy bottom of… Continue reading DDR + Shag Carpet = Failure no longer

Sixteen gigs of PURE JOY.

So this iPhone thing is pretty damn cool. But I have to say, I feel pretty damn slow on the whole “über-intuitive Apple interface” thing. Given that I’ve never owned an iPod, or even a decent MP3 player or a complicated phone, I feel pretty behind. I only even touched iTunes a few months ago,… Continue reading Sixteen gigs of PURE JOY.

Blizzard Content Alert

Grant and I started playing World of Warcraft a little over a year ago. And it’s no secret that I’ve gotten into it since then. But recently, that kind of escalated. We finally hit level 70 with our respective characters, which (for you non-gamers) is the highest level achievable in the game. And ever since… Continue reading Blizzard Content Alert

We rock HARD in this household.

Now I don’t mean to claim that we’re the first, nor the best, of the Rock Band mockery centers. Certainly, there are a plethora of superior attempts* at mocking the most breakable hardware ever shipped. But alas, we don’t just Photoshop here — we show you the real thing. Apparently Grant and a couple of… Continue reading We rock HARD in this household.

Categorized as video games


Okay, so I’m not really a videogame fan like dear Grant is, but this is just too good not to blog about. A friend of ours who’s at Valve worked on a very cool game called Portal, which was released last week. Now obviously, not being a hardcore gamer, I’m not of the same caliber… Continue reading Portal