Yet more iPhone tech dilemmas

This time, I’m trying to figure out how to make my new iPhone Bluetooth Headset function with Ventrilo, the chat program our guild uses during WoW raids. (Yeah — tech geek meets gamer nerd, I know. But does anyone know the answer to this?) I was told by a Best Buy employee with gamer cred… Continue reading Yet more iPhone tech dilemmas

What’s the name of your mother’s father’s favorite pet?

OH MY GOD. I am SO FRUSTRATED with security questions lately! Guess that’s my fault for doing my banking online, but holy crap. This last round, I literally DID NOT KNOW THE ANSWER to any of the available remaining questions for my FIFTH required security thingamabob. So what did I have to do? MAKE UP… Continue reading What’s the name of your mother’s father’s favorite pet?

Swnt elom m iphon

So I don’t mean to be one of those people. Really, I don’t. I’m just in love with the fact that I finally have a gadget that’s gloat-worthy. But the last thing I want to be is one of those iPhone snobs, ya know? (Too late, I know.) So one of the first things I… Continue reading Swnt elom m iphon

Futuristic Sidewalk Art

Check out this sidewalk chalk I spotted at Target the other day. I tell ya, these kids of ours are getting spoiled. Not only does it have nicely-pointed, bi-color sticks (with secondary and even tertiary colors, as opposed to the old-school pink, blue and yellow), but they’re apparently 3-D. Yep, you just put on your… Continue reading Futuristic Sidewalk Art

More difficulties

I’m still struggling with iPhone car charger stuff, but I thought I’d post an update since my first whinings on the subject. Just an FYI that the continuation of the saga is in the comments section of that first post, since that’s where all the relevant info lies. Thanks again to you helpers!

Technical Difficulties

I’ve been attempting to purchase a vehicle charger for my iPhone ever since I first got it, and so far, no luck. I’ve bought and promptly returned three different models (two Griffins from an AT&T and an InCase model from an Apple store), and ALL of them cause screechingly terrible interference with my car stereo.… Continue reading Technical Difficulties

Sixteen gigs of PURE JOY.

So this iPhone thing is pretty damn cool. But I have to say, I feel pretty damn slow on the whole “über-intuitive Apple interface” thing. Given that I’ve never owned an iPod, or even a decent MP3 player or a complicated phone, I feel pretty behind. I only even touched iTunes a few months ago,… Continue reading Sixteen gigs of PURE JOY.

Base 16. Totally intuitive, right?

[16:38] ginnielizz: What was the formula again for darkening an HTML color code? [16:38] ginnielizz: For example, say I want to make 303030 darker [16:38] Hasukawa: 202020 [16:38] Hasukawa: I’m going to explain it now. Pedantic boyfriend. [16:38] ginnielizz: Thank you. I meant to get it explained earlier. [16:38] Hasukawa: The six digits define the… Continue reading Base 16. Totally intuitive, right?

Categorized as tech

Man, what a boring blog!

Seriously. Who even reads this? Thanks to Christian’s help, I can now sort of answer that question, but it doesn’t help much. I pretty much just get spam comments for Levitra now. Which is truly my own fault — it’s been SO LONG since I’ve paid this poor blog proper attention. The hiatus has been… Continue reading Man, what a boring blog!

Categorized as fashion, tech