Dear Bank of America Website: You should not default the radio button to having ‘Yes, remember this computer in the future’ selected. The default should either be nothing or NOT remembering it. SECURITY, PEOPLE. Dear Google: You should not implement a feature that hides Labels that don’t have any useful content for me, but then… Continue reading How hard is it, people?
Category: tech
Finally, a reason to jailbreak my iPhone.
Courtesy of Gizmodo (via imgur via Digg).
Run Stop
I had a weird little flashback to childhood the other day, when I came across an odd button in the elevator at my doctor’s office. The button, instead of reading “STOP” or “Emergency”, read RUN STOP, kind of like the old Commodore 64 keyboards. I don’t think I’ve seen that command (outside of the fake… Continue reading Run Stop
Word Salad
I recently got a copy of Dragon NaturallySpeaking, so I could type by dictation. (This decision arose partly from recurring tennis elbow that makes typing painful, and partly from my frustratingly long commutes from Redmond.) I thought I could dictate the text of the book I’m working on for my online dating consultation company while… Continue reading Word Salad
Will automatic Desktop Shortcuts EVER die?
It just so happened that I needed to update both my iTunes and my Adobe Reader this weekend. I tend to be pretty lazy with these kinds of updates, so I just click YES and GO and MAKE IT HAPPEN as quickly as I can. And when all was said and done and downloaded and… Continue reading Will automatic Desktop Shortcuts EVER die?
Daisy saves the day!
Here’s hoping this Facebook email thread needs no real intro: —–Original Message to Facebook—– From: Virginia Culler To: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: PRIVACY-BUGS: “Wallster” app — spam/worm User id: xxxxxxxxx Description of problem: I received a message from an alleged Facebook app called “Wallmaster”, informing me that a picture from my profile had been used on… Continue reading Daisy saves the day!
Google Chrome
I’ve wondered for the past couple of years why Google didn’t have a Web browser, and I guess now I know… they were working on it, just not talking about it. Chrome is their brand-spanking-new, just-released-yesterday browser that’s built by design for today’s Web, which is heavier on applications than when the Internet first came… Continue reading Google Chrome
City Market gets political
Not exactly the first time, but still. This was pause-and-shoot worthy. Especially given that these days, the mere mention of Sarah Palin’s name is a standalone punchline. Even the women on the skincare and makeup forum I frequent had to take a stab. Anyway. On a political note, Imaginary Readers, allow me to introduce you… Continue reading City Market gets political
Sound Transit beats
I feel like I’m in a Volkswagen commercial. I’m sandwiched between two other bus commuters who were previously both yammering loudly. But they finally shut up and both started listening to music. And for the past two-ish tracks, we’ve all been subtly tapping our feet/fingers/neighbors in PERFECT TIME with each other. Aww, Loud White Tapper… Continue reading Sound Transit beats
Yet another reason Apple is awesome
Grant’s video iPod recently suffered a broken headphone jack, but he was eight full months out of warranty coverage. Still, he took it to the Apple store to see what could be done, and they gave him a new one on the spot. Their reasoning? “It looks fresh out of the box [because you’ve always… Continue reading Yet another reason Apple is awesome