A note (or novella) on harassment

On The Crossover Episode 8 today, a very important conversation happened. Sarah Parmenter and Whitney Hess joined Dan and Haddie to speak about serious harassment that both women have experienced. Sarah’s story in particular was harrowing, in that someone specifically targeted her by faking porn pictures of her and going out of his (come on,… Continue reading A note (or novella) on harassment

QR codes and teenage girls

I was listening to episode 28 of The [New] Talk Show, in which Gruber once again (rightfully) complains about girls at CES who have QR codes printed on their butts. For some reason my mind wandered to the TV show Nashville, and I had an epiphany. (No, stay with me.) In case you haven’t been… Continue reading QR codes and teenage girls

A brief note on QUIT! and quitting

I’ve been meaning to craft a more thoughtful and ever-delayed post on leaving my job and going the solopreneur route, but I realized that maybe I should get something out there in the meantime to pimp the fact that I was on QUIT!. Twice! QUIT! is a new 5by5 show, in which Dan and his… Continue reading A brief note on QUIT! and quitting

On additional inboxes

I know many hardcore tech nerds are not Facebook users, so the first few points here may seem irrelevant. But whether you yourself participate in it or not, I think we can all agree that Facebook is kind of a big deal, especially to the non-geek world. So many people have joined it that it’s… Continue reading On additional inboxes

Google and Apple Maps both frustrate me

I wrote a big long post about Apple Maps and Google Maps, and I wound up reworking the whole thing, because it didn’t accurately capture my alternating dissatisfaction and joy. The more I’ve used Google Maps in the past few days, the more things I notice it doing both right and wrong. So, apologies to… Continue reading Google and Apple Maps both frustrate me

Comment-free zone

I’m experimenting with something new. Although I’m nowhere near as famous or rad as Marco Arment or John Gruber, I’m going to copy their style and eliminate comments from future blog posts, starting now. My experience in my extremely intermittent blogging over the years is that comments rarely add much value, and most discussions about… Continue reading Comment-free zone

Blog design identity crisis

Recently I signed up for Amazon affiliate links and Google AdSense, for no apparent reason. And in doing so, I had to define my blog’s main category/subject matter. Um. Help. I’m a gal who inherently wears too many hats, and I started like seven different blogs (see sidebar) to avoid this very type of boxing-in.… Continue reading Blog design identity crisis

Apple’s lack of accessory diversity

On this week’s The iPhone 5 episode of The (New) Talk Show, John Gruber mentioned that Apple is perfectly happy to leave battery pack accessories up to third-party vendors. He’s right, of course, but what stuck with me is that they’re STILL leaving a vast number of important peripherals up to third-party folks. Back in… Continue reading Apple’s lack of accessory diversity

PAX recs for out-of-towners

Here are my PAX 2012 tips for out-of-towners, since I found myself giving them verbally to many people. Hope they’re useful! Stay sane, well hydrated and fed, and above all enjoy your PAX experience. And wash your damn hands! CLOSE • Noc Noc (Goth-ish bar) for drinks. Try the chili; surprisingly edible. • Cupcake Royale… Continue reading PAX recs for out-of-towners