This morning I came in to work late because I had been at the dentist earlier, so I was already a bit stressed about missing extra hours during this potential crunch time for us. Thus, to maximize efficiency and minimize unpleasantness, I wasted no time in getting to my computer to turn it on so… Continue reading Victory is Mine
Category: tech
So this is uncharacteristically after the fact of me, but here is an article from the P-I a couple weeks ago about my cell phone woes and the resultant happy aftermath. Long story short, I was having massive troubles with my crappy phone and crappy T-Mobile service – it had been good for ages and… Continue reading Verizon-Tastic
Time to get with the times
I just watched my roommate hold her leftover corn cob (mostly removed of corn via her human teeth) so her dog could nibble the remnants off, exactly like people eat corn (except for the whole someone-else-having-to-hold-it-for-her part). A random anecdote, perhaps, but it made me want to get with the digital age. Lately, lots of… Continue reading Time to get with the times
I’m sticking with the crappy beta, I think
So I’ve decided I’m sticking with the crappy BlogTastic beta, I think. Why? Well, I could go on about how it was fate that I picked this one, or about how the universe has directed me to a comment-free bugged beta bloghost for a cosmically salient reason – but the truth is, I’m too lazy… Continue reading I’m sticking with the crappy beta, I think