Laundry Service

No, not the cheesy Shakira album. I mean actual, paid laundry service. See, we have assigned time slots in our building to do laundry in the shared, coin-op laundry room. And lately, some inconsiderate neighbors have been stealing our time slot, despite the fact that we repeatedly leave increasingly frustrated-yet-still-begrudgingly-polite notes about it. (At first,… Continue reading Laundry Service

What’s the name of your mother’s father’s favorite pet?

OH MY GOD. I am SO FRUSTRATED with security questions lately! Guess that’s my fault for doing my banking online, but holy crap. This last round, I literally DID NOT KNOW THE ANSWER to any of the available remaining questions for my FIFTH required security thingamabob. So what did I have to do? MAKE UP… Continue reading What’s the name of your mother’s father’s favorite pet?

“Friendly” junk mail

Junk mail has reached a new level. I’m kind of blown away that things like those unsolicited Val Pak coupon mailers are still out there, when pretty much everyone has a) email and b) recycling bins. But what’s really ticked me off lately is the number of junk mailers masquerading as real correspondence. Check out… Continue reading “Friendly” junk mail

Whole Foods hypocrisy

Whole Foods officially discontinued their awesomely durable, heavy-duty plastic bags as of Earth Day this year. So what are they offering instead? Paper. Yep, tree-harvested, not-so-sustainable paper. Sure, I know paper bags biodegrade, but they also disintegrate in the rain and require us to chop down and process trees.* I kept hoping they’d replace their… Continue reading Whole Foods hypocrisy

Miss Manners hits the bottle?

Some of you Imaginary Readers may remember back to the time when my Off Culler advice column ran in the now-dead Seattle Pulse metroblog. Those were fun times, n’est-ce pas? The majority of my submissions were goofy gags sent by my well-meaning friends, though I did deal with a few more serious queries. I answered… Continue reading Miss Manners hits the bottle?