This is one of those TL;DR scenarios. I’ll do my best to sum it up quickly. –Yahoo bought Tumblr for a boatload of money. -Marco Arment used to work for Tumblr; he weighs in on the acquisition in depth and eloquence, with a small passing mention of gratitude for the generosity of his former employer… Continue reading Back the f*ck out of Marco Arment’s finances
Author: Virginia
Back to Mac after fifteen years
I finally purchased a 13″ retina MacBook Pro for my birthday/business/a desperately needed upgrade. I’m mostly happy to be back to Mac for the first time since I was a teenager, but I’m still struggling with more than a few aspects of this transition. I’ve become a bit of an Apple nerd without a Mac… Continue reading Back to Mac after fifteen years
Facebook Graph Search, grr
Facebook Graph Search is kinda dumb, still. When I search for “My friends who live in New York, New York,” I get a pretty clear list with an obvious end point. When I change that search to “My friends who live near New York, New York,” the list remains identical. When I change THAT to… Continue reading Facebook Graph Search, grr
I suck at Photoshop
I’m trying to learn to become more independent in graphic design. I’m not remotely trained in any way. I’ve got an increasingly defined sense of design, although I’m just as susceptible to trends as the next blogger who suddenly decided that rounded corners were over yesterday. I finally got a copy of CS6 of my… Continue reading I suck at Photoshop
Old school marketing
We order pizza kind of a lot. We shouldn’t, but we do; it’s easy and yummy and one of the few delivery options we have at our house. We usually get Pagliacci, because it’s delicious and predictable and they have great customer service and even a few healthy options. But every once in a while,… Continue reading Old school marketing
I want to make an app.
I’ve wanted to make an iPhone app for ages now, but it’s always been a far-off “when I have the time and energy to learn how to code” thing. Recently, I realized that I have an urgently needed app in mind that’s based on Siracusa’s Annoyance-driven development: All the existing apps in this space are… Continue reading I want to make an app.
Form over function
I’m kinda broken. I have super bad tennis elbow, which I’ll expand upon soon, but needless to say my medical needs hamper my ability to comfortably use and enjoy technology. I don’t just like using a split keyboard, I NEED to use one. I have this special terrifying mouse that’s so guest-unfriendly, I make a… Continue reading Form over function
A note (or novella) on harassment
On The Crossover Episode 8 today, a very important conversation happened. Sarah Parmenter and Whitney Hess joined Dan and Haddie to speak about serious harassment that both women have experienced. Sarah’s story in particular was harrowing, in that someone specifically targeted her by faking porn pictures of her and going out of his (come on,… Continue reading A note (or novella) on harassment
Shlok it up
I’ve continued listening to QUIT!, and it keeps helping me as I delve into my business relaunch. I called in again to Episode 9, and I listen eagerly every week. Last week, on Episode 10, Dan was talking to Shlok Vaidya about his emerging after holing up to write his book, and they made a… Continue reading Shlok it up