Make no mistake; I don’t actually have my 6 Plus yet. But I went out of my way to try and get one early in line Friday morning. When I found out for sure that the store wouldn’t have the stock to accommodate my order, it was only half an hour before they opened their… Continue reading Initial iPhone 6 Plus impressions
Author: Virginia
Jackal Interview
Hey y’all! Fans of the podcasting network 5by5 have been mostly lovingly coined “Jackals” for their sometimes helpful and sometimes heckling input in the network’s live IRC chatroom. One motivated jackal, Mike Beasterfeld, has been conducting a series of interviews with other jackals. My episode aired today, should you care to listen! And you can… Continue reading Jackal Interview
Business email address judgment
I have an unusually large number of email addresses (something like 40 existing, 20 active, 5 very active). When possible I funnel them all through the same inbox, but I’m running into some frustrating tech issues so I was considering a shift. How much do you judge businesses whose email domains differ from their sites?… Continue reading Business email address judgment
Apparently, I care a lot about swag
Tina Roth Eisenberg (aka SwissMiss) recently asked her readership about swag, on Twitter and her blog. What's the coolest swag you've ever received? What was it? What company gave it out? — Tina Roth Eisenberg (@swissmiss) May 14, 2014 I was surprised by the strength and length of my opinions on the subject in the… Continue reading Apparently, I care a lot about swag
Internet’s Prayer
You guys, I read the comments. How many Hail Lorem Ipsums do I have to say to undo the damage? — Virginia Roberts (@askvirginia) May 14, 2014 @askvirginia Our Ipsum, who art in Lorem… — Matt Dewey (@mattfromseattle) May 14, 2014 @mattfromseattle hallowed be white space — Virginia Roberts (@askvirginia) May 14, 2014 @mattfromseattle thy… Continue reading Internet’s Prayer
Design getting in the way of content
I’ve had a recent epiphany about website design. I’m blown away by how much I’ve fought usability in order to shoehorn in certain design quirks or trends or ideas that were utterly out of sync with the goal of delivering a useful and easy to navigate website. I’m hanging my head in CSS shame here.… Continue reading Design getting in the way of content
Sometimes puns are irresistible.
My husband’s pal Ian started a fun game on Twitter. I joined in. Hilarity ensued, at least as far as the three of us were concerned. I thought you might also find it amusing. Excited to announce my new project, remixing classic hip-hop and trance music. We’re called RUN*DMT — Ian Adams (@IanWAdams) January 7,… Continue reading Sometimes puns are irresistible.
My second piece for Medium
Wow, I haven’t written anything here since my last Medium post. I sense a new trend! Not really. I almost wrote a thing about One Star App Review Gate (kill me for saying that; I mean the stupid -gate suffix ironically, in case it wasn’t clear). But then I didn’t. So here’s my latest Medium… Continue reading My second piece for Medium
My first piece for Medium
Check it out; I finally wrote my first piece for Medium! It’s about how I hate default text and crappy auto-tweets and generally bad non-human-like behavior on social media. What should the next one be?
Epic spam comment template (?)
I just got this as a single spam comment on one of my less-used sites. My jaw kinda dropped. I thought someone out there might find it as interesting, disturbing, amusing, and/or useful – perhaps if you develop anti-spam products, you’ve just been handed a useful template to add to your filtering system. Anyway, enjoy!… Continue reading Epic spam comment template (?)