The ???Comments??? Verdict is in

So it turns out comments work, just not with IE. So, imaginary readers, feel free to comment if you have a cool browser. And FYI, I just got Mozilla Firefox (click here to download) and it rules; it’s the coolest browser ever. And why was I being so outdated and using Netscape before and being… Continue reading The ???Comments??? Verdict is in

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It???s snowing!

IT’S SNOWING!!!!!!!! That is all.??

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So I’m reading this fascinating novel, “Everything is Illuminated” by Jonathan Safran Foer, and part of it is written from the perspective of a Ukranian translator named Alex who has extremely, um, creative English, and he keeps using the term “spleen” as a verb to mean something along the lines of annoy/irritate/upset/distress, but I can’t… Continue reading Alex-stop-spleening-me

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Really, Google? Chanel lip gloss?

So I’ve been enoying the Google text ads that this bloghost employs (as opposed to banner ads that change color and/or Flash animations and the like) but I have to say… I think the Google ads have been on the “Lip Gloss” topic for an unreasonably long time now, given that I’m pretty sure lip… Continue reading Really, Google? Chanel lip gloss?

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Excerpts from Elevatorland

On the way back from lunch, enter ME, stage right; enter MAN, WOMAN 1, and WOMAN 2, stage left. (Thank goodness we have big elevators). MAN: blah blah something about dreams. WOMAN 1, in loud obnoxious tones: Oh my gosh I HAVE to tell you guys about this crazy dream I had last night! I… Continue reading Excerpts from Elevatorland

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google in pig latin! Google actually lets you customize the page for fake languages like Klingon and Pig Latin. They are so great. I still want to work for them, even though they keep not hiring me. I even had an interview once, but it turned out they’d never actually read my r??sum?? and I was completely not-qualified… Continue reading google in pig latin!

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