So it turns out comments work, just not with IE. So, imaginary readers, feel free to comment if you have a cool browser. And FYI, I just got Mozilla Firefox (click here to download) and it rules; it’s the coolest browser ever. And why was I being so outdated and using Netscape before and being… Continue reading The ???Comments??? Verdict is in
Author: Virginia
It???s snowing!
IT’S SNOWING!!!!!!!! That is all.??
???You???d make an awesome terrorist???
Last night I went a-drinkin with some random boys, one of whom I’d actually met and was trying to possibly nudge me in a better direction professionally, so we were all kind of bullshitting and chitchatting about the ideal job yada yada and somehow the conversation turned to security profiling at border crossings and airports… Continue reading ???You???d make an awesome terrorist???
O Lords of Blogland, why do ye seek to punish me so?
Okay, so… it’s been nearly a month now, and the following things are still FAR from blogtastic: ??1)?? The comments function only works for ME and BLOGTASTIC ADMINISTRATOR(S).?? How helpful is that??? A: not very. 2) The “referers” page stop working after Day 2 – so I have no idea if I have any more… Continue reading O Lords of Blogland, why do ye seek to punish me so?
So I’m reading this fascinating novel, “Everything is Illuminated” by Jonathan Safran Foer, and part of it is written from the perspective of a Ukranian translator named Alex who has extremely, um, creative English, and he keeps using the term “spleen” as a verb to mean something along the lines of annoy/irritate/upset/distress, but I can’t… Continue reading Alex-stop-spleening-me
Really, Google? Chanel lip gloss?
So I’ve been enoying the Google text ads that this bloghost employs (as opposed to banner ads that change color and/or Flash animations and the like) but I have to say… I think the Google ads have been on the “Lip Gloss” topic for an unreasonably long time now, given that I’m pretty sure lip… Continue reading Really, Google? Chanel lip gloss?
Excerpts from Elevatorland
On the way back from lunch, enter ME, stage right; enter MAN, WOMAN 1, and WOMAN 2, stage left. (Thank goodness we have big elevators). MAN: blah blah something about dreams. WOMAN 1, in loud obnoxious tones: Oh my gosh I HAVE to tell you guys about this crazy dream I had last night! I… Continue reading Excerpts from Elevatorland
google in pig latin! Google actually lets you customize the page for fake languages like Klingon and Pig Latin. They are so great. I still want to work for them, even though they keep not hiring me. I even had an interview once, but it turned out they’d never actually read my r??sum?? and I was completely not-qualified… Continue reading google in pig latin!
My top ten pet peeves list for Tuesday
1.?? Mice in my attic! 2.?? People who talk on cell phones loudly in places where other people are clearly there to sleep and/or read and it is an obvious QUIET zone. 3.?? Caramel apple cider ??? give me a break!?? Cider, caramel, AND whipped cream??? How about a frappadiabetieschino??? Sheesh. 4.?? Long long long… Continue reading My top ten pet peeves list for Tuesday
quadruple-booked and it???s only monday!
Maaaan…. right back into the busy swing of things, I am.?? Yikes.?? But in a good way – the trip down to Salem was awesome.?? I am so jealous of my parents’ new house!?? Well, except that they *do* have to live in Salem, so I guess that kind of explains it.?? But still, an… Continue reading quadruple-booked and it???s only monday!