Hey does anyone know how one would go about registering one’s own domain name? And then creating one’s own blog in the image of one’s existing blog template, buggy as it might be? And then fixing all those bugs successfully? Okay, let’s start small – how would I do the domain name thing? And more… Continue reading me, myself and i dot com
Author: Virginia
Does ???Xmas??? sound dirty to anyone else?
There was just an interoffice email hoopla about whether we can call our Xmas bonuses “Xmas bonuses” or if they have to be “holiday bonuses”. Aside from the obvious WTFCJGMMM (who the f*ck cares just give me my money) response, it lends a different question – does “Xmas” sound dirty to anyone else? Like perhaps… Continue reading Does ???Xmas??? sound dirty to anyone else?
This is a batwing shirt
‘Nuff said? Attached Files: batwing.jpeg 12K
Assorted Fashion Rules
Okay, screw not offending my pals, I’m gonna do it. I’m posting a list of My Fashion Rules, regardless of whose toes I step on. These are random and I’ll probably keep updating it as time goes on, and I think of new rules. Nevertheless: 1. No ponchos, unless they are the rain kind and… Continue reading Assorted Fashion Rules
Here is a quote from My Funniest Friend, in response to my blog: “Ok, first of all, congratufrickinglations on having one of the most active blogs on blogtastic! . . . I feel the need to say that you have inspired me, and that I too would like to do a blog. So how do… Continue reading Untitled
Ten things I have no idea how to do
10) Retrieve and re-post the entry I just wrote and then accidentally deleted that I was sadly quite attached to. 9) Fix the “comments” feature so people can actually comment – people not necessarily using Firefox. 8) Use the sidebar editor in order to make more interesting sidebar entries – some ideas which I am… Continue reading Ten things I have no idea how to do
new best-of!
New Best of Craigslist is up!?? See links to left.?? Gotta go read… more later…
water damage
So this is a very random and somewhat narcissistic and compound revelation from last Friday, as well as today (hence the compound) about how I’ll be remembered after I’m dead, if I’m ever famous enough for such little details to be remembered (hence the narcissistic). So here goes: I’m building up a pretty extensive library,… Continue reading water damage
Water Damage, Part Deux
I did it AGAIN. This time I cried while reading the part about the Holocaust – and can you blame me? I mean, I’d be a cold and soulless (soul-less?) person if I weren’t moved by literature about first-person experiences of mass genocides – but I was sitting in the little area where all the… Continue reading Water Damage, Part Deux
Now that???s casual Friday!
I just got asked if I would strip on the job. At the law firm. To elaborate: there’s this great kid Matt who’s been sorta part-timin’ here for the past few months, but he’s deserting us for “his education” or some crap like that so we’re all sad and we did all these goofy going-away… Continue reading Now that???s casual Friday!