long time no update

Okay dear imaginary readers, sorry it’s been so long! The day after Xmas I fell ill with a nasty cold/fever synthesis that has been kicking my ass ever since. Didn’t even go to work Tuesday or half of yesterday – and given that I have no sick time left and had to take that as… Continue reading long time no update

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On manicures, power drills, and liquid kale – some Christmas highlights

For Christmas I got a power drill! EXACTLY what I wanted and forgot to ask for. It’s red, it has two mega-charge-holding battery packs, it has a little compartment to hold drill bits on the base, and I also got a set of Hitachi magnetic screwdriver/drill bits. Just had to twitter. Now I will no… Continue reading On manicures, power drills, and liquid kale – some Christmas highlights

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alcohol and parents – an inevitable combination?

So I’ve come to a drunken epiphany, as I compose this champagne-infused post later on this lovely Christmas Eve… the older I get, the more necessary alcohol has become in my parental interactions. I mean, it never used to be this way – visiting with the ‘rents was simply visiting. Holidays simply signfied delicious food.… Continue reading alcohol and parents – an inevitable combination?

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Yuletide cheer and all that jazz

So, my first-ever article appeared in Seattle Pulse [1] recently, so I thought I’d take a minute to shamelessly plug it. Wow, factoring in my most recent post along with this one, I guess I do a lot of that lately! Ah, at least I’ve got the acting-like-a-celebrity thing down in case I become famous… Continue reading Yuletide cheer and all that jazz

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I made best-of again!

http://seattle.craigslist.org/about/best/sea/119506393.html Woohoo! Merry Christmas to me!

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Next comes senility

So, I had an epiphany the other night as I was driving and listening to Oldies 97.3 KBSG (come on, all you Seattlites know the jingle). And I freaked out because they were playing songs by The Carpenters and KC and the Sunshine band and just other very-much-seventies stuff, and I was like, WTF? These… Continue reading Next comes senility

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My blog moved!

Hey guess what, my blog moved! To http://virginiaculler.com/blog. So go there please.?? Thanks!

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Feliz Navidad, indeed!

Check out the Christmas Card I got from Camp Dowhatchoowanna (it’s on their main page, since I can’t seem to upload frickin pictures on here yet). The sick/sad/great/crazy thing is, I know at least two of the people in this photograph. ??Ol??!

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