Many people have name twins. When I hadn’t yet married, my name twins were mostly elderly ladies in the southeast United States, because “Culler” is a more common surname in that area, and “Virginia” was popular there many decades ago. But now that I’m married, I’m Virginia Roberts – and boy, is my name twin… Continue reading Not that Virginia Roberts! :)
Author: Virginia
Intellectually, I’m not a huge fan of new year’s resolutions – heck, I’m not even sure about how you capitalize and punctuate the phrase. :) I like to think that the time of year shouldn’t have a massive impact on deciding to make improvements in your life, you know? But I’m in a weird spot… Continue reading Resolutish
Internet Outrage Machine #1!
I was a contestant on the inaugural episode of Internet Outrage Machine, a new 5by5 podcast that’s sort of a comedic game show about current events. You know, like Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me, but rougher and raunchier and geekier. Give it a listen, if you dare!
I have hardcore tennis elbow. I’ve spent a couple grand accommodating this. Maybe you can learn from my ergonomic expenditures. My ergonomic backstory In 2008, the job market was not so hot. I had worked my first ever tech contract, which felt kind of terrifying to me since I was basically guaranteeing future unemployment by… Continue reading Ergonomorama
I was on some podcasts
Hey folks, I was on a couple podcasts. I forgot to blog about them (or maybe I just skipped it because it felt redundant). Want to give them a listen? OK then! Systematic #117 with Brett Terpstra – Brett is a rad nerd and we talked about a number of nerdy and non-nerdy things, including… Continue reading I was on some podcasts
Help me make a closet look cool
Recently, all our closet shelving came crashing down in the middle of the night. It sucked. But I’m taking the opportunity to install a way better system than the cheap janky poorly-installed one that the previous owners had put in. And I need help! After some useful Facebook input, I opted for The Container Store’s… Continue reading Help me make a closet look cool
Notes to self about buying tech
Always spring for the biggest hard drive possible. On any device. Yes, even if it costs several hundred dollars more than the option you think is big enough. It’s not. Always get AppleCare now that it covers screen breakage and water damage (at least sometimes; non-binding; consult your local annoying Genius for details; not a… Continue reading Notes to self about buying tech
Pinterest iOS bookmarklet workaround
Ages ago, I was annoyed by how irritatingly hard it was to pin images to Pinterest on my iPhone. I was essentially pissed that iOS 8 extensions didn’t yet exist. I hacked together my own bookmark link that was a combo of Marco Arment’s Instapaper bookmarklet-adding instructions of yore (something like this), plus whatever code… Continue reading Pinterest iOS bookmarklet workaround
ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ Unicode madness
*Disclaimer* Unicode is not well supported in some browsers, especially on mobile. This is tricky since this entire post is about Unicode. I’m sorry your eyes might have to see ugly unsupported squares or blank spaces instead of the proper pretty entities I intended. If you’re interested in reading, soldier on; the characters in the… Continue reading ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ Unicode madness