NSBrief and Watchscreen

Back in June, I was interviewed by Saul Mora on NSBrief Podcast, talking about app development and whatnot despite having very little voice left after a busy WWDC week! Give it a listen here. And earlier today, I was featured on Mark D. Mill’s “Watchscreen” series, talking about how I use my Apple Watch. You… Continue reading NSBrief and Watchscreen

Categorized as misc.

Why I kept my Apple Watch

I bought an Apple Watch, which arrived (kinda late) on launch day, April 24th. I got the 42mm Sport with a white band, despite reservations about that exact model. I dithered for a while about whether to keep it or not, but I ultimately decided to hang on to it, at least for now. I… Continue reading Why I kept my Apple Watch

Categorized as Apple, tech

Do you want your smartwatch to look like jewelry?

I just had an interesting Twitter chat with Joe Macirowski about our various Apple Watch impressions. Joe said the 42 mm watch face was nicer to use, but that the 38 looked like jewelry, which he preferred. This seems worth exploring to me. Because I don’t *want* my smartwatch to look like jewelry. I definitely… Continue reading Do you want your smartwatch to look like jewelry?

A letter a week?

Last week I had a little silly Twitter fun. I feel like sending a pretty fancy letter. Who wants some mail? DM me your mailing address. Capping it at three letters for now because RSI. — Virginia Roberts (@askvirginia) February 6, 2015 Basically, I was sort of procrastinating, so I tweeted to see if anyone… Continue reading A letter a week?

Categorized as writing